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IT Consulting in the Bay Area: A Look at the Value of VPNs for Today's Businesses
Modern day employees are dependent on information in order to work in an efficient and effective manner. If your team cannot access essential work files when away from the office, they will not work with the utmost efficiency. The bottom line is your workforce needs immediate access to data regardless of their location. Furthermore, that data must be properly protected. Though public wireless internet connections empower your team to work from nearly anywhere, such public networks are not exactly safe. Below, our IT consulting team in the Bay Area delves into whether virtual private networks (VPNs for short) will help safeguard your company's valuable data.
Virtual private networks rely on virtualized server connections to generate a secure channel between the web and computers. VPNs function by safely connecting computers and remote VPN servers located just about anywhere on the globe. The server functions as an intermediary for information sent between the device and outside networks.When using a VPN connection, you will have full confidence the only parties accessing the network activity are you, the VPN provider and the websites/services in use. In the end, the VPN provides a meaningful layer of security for network devices through the concealing of the device's location. Furthermore, VPNs also provide a protective shield of sorts against additional devices sharing public networks. If you have any questions about how this tech works, do not hesitate to lean on our IT consulting team in the Bay Area for assistance.
Ideally, your employees will rely on a VPN when connected to a publicly accessible network such as Wi-Fi available at airports, hotels, restaurants, etc. When the VPN server is in use, there will be that much more protection, making it challenging for hackers to tap into the public networks in order to access your device and its data. The VPN generates a secure, private channel between the web services and the device so cyber thieves do not pilfer your prized information. The icing on the cake is the fact that VPNs will help your team bypass websites that are restricted in other countries. This ability will prove quite helpful during business trips abroad.
Though VPNs do an excellent job of hiding network activity even when tapping into a network that is publicly accessible, there are some situations when VPNs should not be used. VPNs do not guarantee complete anonymity on the web. If your goal is complete online anonymity, you will need more than a VPN. Our IT services team in the Bay Area can help you achieve this goal. Furthermore, VPNs do not shield devices against viruses, ransomware, malware, etc. Nor do VPNs prevent your team from venturing to unsafe sites. Rather, VPNs generate a private and secure connection between the device in question and websites visited.
It is clear there are specific instances when it is prudent to use a VPN. This is just one example of how technological advances can help your business obtain and maintain a competitive advantage. Reach out to our IT consulting team in the Bay Area at Riverfy to learn more about our IT services.